Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Firefox sucks

Yes - you are reading the title correctly. I have been a proponent of free software, because
  • you shouldn't have to use anything microsoft butchers (i already break that principle by my use of winxp - itunes is great)
  • free software is FREE!!! and you should not have to pay for anything - that's what the tax they deduct from my paycheck is for!
  • free software is maintained by the community, so it should be better, because people who do something for free really care about what they are working on, and are open to suggestions and critiques.
The third point is where firefox fails. Initially, it took everything that IE was and Netscape could be, and made it better. I liked it - it was the version of Opera that was free and without ads. It had these cool add ons.

I guess at some point the programmers got excited, and sloppy. Or maybe the programmers were not of the best quality... whatever it was, it was not good. I have only yahoo mail open (and that too, the original mail version - not the Beta). The memory image was a whopping 160M for nothing... Lotsa memory leaks, code bloat etc. I could not send an email, click on links etc.

Mozilla foundation, stop spending time on changing your logo, forcing debian to change names and fix your software - till then I will continue to use... Firefox! I know - I am loyal loser.

1 comment:

kart said...

I thought I was the only one noticing the huge memory leak in Firefox. I have the habit of leaving my machine running all the time, and after a few hours everything would slow down. And Yes, I atoo am still using Firefox.